Sunday, December 17, 2017

Using Up Yarn Remains - Coffee Cup Cozies

In a bid to use up all my yarn remains, before they transform into a giant hairball, I knitted various coffee cup cozies to sell and to give as freebies.

I managed to make 19 coffee cup cozies in 1 week.

And... No more yarn remains!!

(which means, more space for new balls of yarn, Yay!)

(Completed between 29th March 2017 and 4th April 2017)

1 comment:

  1. Hi just visiting from UK.
    I really enjoyed your blog.
    Lots going on there.
    Your coffee cup warmers, reminded me of some thing I saw in Scotland a while ago.
    A lady bag pipe player, welcomed us all in true Scottish style, into the a meeting.
    I noted that she wore knee high white knitted socks, with a beautiful cabled turn over.
    It transpired that she has many various knitted patterned turnovers, which are separate to her socks enabling her to ring the changes so to speak.
