Having a balcony with full sun exposure is such a joy for me. I love growing herbs, I have always wanted to grow herbs. So, now is my chance :-)
When I first started, I only planted basil, thyme and spring onions.
They grew quite well even during winter season, surprisingly...
Maybe it's me going crazy with seaweed fertiliser. This photo was taken in May 2011.
After my initial success, I came across www.herbcottage.com.au and I bought bay leaves tree, curry leaves tree and chaste tree.
The didn't grow very well during winter. I thought I lost them, but they grew back since 1 month ago, as spring arrived.
Chaste Tree
Bay Leaves Tree
Curry Leaves Tree
And for the potted herbs, I think they have grown wild now, especially the thyme. :-) Photos taken November 2011.
Collection of Herbs - There are 2 new ones, Rosemary and Sage
Thyme's Flowers