Monday, September 7, 2009

Cake - Cheesecake Brownies

Yeaaa... I'm turning 25 today....
I've just realized, it's actually a significant number :-) Should party....

So, what did I do?
Umm, not much... Hehehe...
I cooked dinner, got this recipe from, Asian braised fish with bok coy...
It turned out quite decent, edible, hehehe...

NOW, The Cake: Cheesecake Brownies... Can you imagine that? Brownies and Cheesecake in one bite... Heavenly...

The appearance is a bit funny, didn't know how to make the swirl effect... so, the cheesecake part sort of gather on the top bit and corners....

Recipe from (again...)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!
    Selamat ulang tahun ya!
    Walopun jauh, gue akan kirimkan kue, virtual-cheesecake. Hahahahha.....
    Happy day. Happy day. Tapi udah tua ya. 25. Ugh.
